It’s hard to believe that we are smack dab in the middle of June. But the rays of sunshine, sweaty kid kisses and cicadas singing their nightly lullaby remind me that yes, we are on summer time.
For me summer is when we can finally exhale and breathe. Our whole family is home and we quickly make our bucket list to avoid those summer time blues.
While the girls make their bucket list, I make my summertime toolkit. Because all moms need a tool kit to keep summer happy and healthy.
Check out my top 10 that we keep with us all summer long.
Thieves Roller—Young Living makes a roller that helps keep our immune systems strong. I roll this on the bottoms of our girls feet and on everyone’s spine at night to keep any bugs at bay.
Insect Repellent – Young Living makes a fantastic bug repellent that is toxin free and one of the number one ingredients is Vitamin E oils, so it soothes your skin and doesn’t make you feel like you have to shower asap.
Sunscreen – Many are misinformed about SPF, it means how long you can stay out in the sun. YL makes a SPF 10, which doesn’t mean it is not strong enough, it means you can stay in the sun 10x longer than usual… that’s a pretty long time. The number one ingredient is Zinc and Coconut oil… protective and toxin free.
Lavender – this gem is the swiss army knife! We use it to clean wounds, to lull us to sleep and to soothe bug bites or burns.
After Sun Spray—sometimes we are out in the sun a bit too long and this after sun spray is a lotion consistency which cools on contact and the redness is gone almost immediately, keeping the skin nourished and healthy.
MightyVites – a quality vitamin is so important for my kids. I want them to stay out of the doctor’s office and be able to jump into the pool This vitamin helps us do just that, not give my kids a sugar rush.
Ningxia Red – this antioxidant supplement helps boost all of our immune systems. There’s just no way I could give my kids the amount of antioxidants that 1 oz of this juice can provide. #momwin
DiGize – This one is a must to keep everyone’s digestive systems happy. No tummy bug, nausea, or food poisoning can stand up to this muscle man. A few drops on the belly and within minutes pain is gone. #bringonthefoodiefood
Tea Tree – This guy helps fight infection, eradicates fungus, soothes bug bites, and prevents lice. We create spray with witch hazel that we take with us to make it easy to use on the go!
Thieves Hand Sanitizer – just announced by the FDA that our purifier is actually qualified to be a sanitizer since it is proven to kill 99.99% of germs on contact. This keeps our hands healthy and happy since we use aloe, whereas most companies use too much alcohol which can irritate and hurt skin. Ours is toxin free & effective.
If you created a kit with all of these you would be sure to have a happy, healthy summer! Splashing versus sighing. Smiles versus sniffles. Young Living is determined to provide every home with every household product that is toxin free. They are continually breaking the mold and I am so proud to be part of this healthy movement. If you haven’t jumped on board, click here to start. Or you can contact me to set up a coffee date! I love talking about ways to be healthy for the long run!